CRM, Digital Marketing, Invoicing, Artificial Intelligence.

Free real estate CRM, listing website with AI-powered content creator, invoice maker, for agents.

AI Property Listing Tool.

Easily craft compelling, polished descriptions. It's fast, smart, and attention-grabbing for more leads.

- Instant Website
- Free Domain Name
- 1 Email Accounts
- 20 GB Email Storage Space
- 0 Slots for Affiliates

- Instant Website
- Customized Domain Name
- Up to 2 Email Accounts
- 1 GB Email Storage Space
- 5 Slots for Affiliates

- Instant Website
- Customized Domain Name
- Up to 40 Email Accounts
- 5 GB Email Storage Space
- 100 Slots for Affiliates

- Instant Website
- Customized Domain Name
- Up to 200 Email Accounts
- 10 GB Email Storage Space
- 500 Slots for Affiliates

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Blogulr cares about your social content.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is an organised process of creating and maintaining mutually benefitial relationships between businesses and their prospects and customers in order to improve business relationships and profitability.

OgaCRM is a cloud-based real estate CRM that boosts the benefits of a CRM by enabling its users to collaborate and earn passive income while effectively promoting their businesses via a connected network of websites.

"Brokers who offered a CRM system to their agents showed a 26.2% increase in transaction sides per agent over those that did not offer a real estate CRM system." Source: REAL Trends

Get your full-featured and professional SEO-friendly ecommerce website up and running with a domain name and matching email accounts. No skills required. #ZeroCode #NoCodingGeng

Whether you have just one property or a portfolio of properties, you can easily post unlimited number of properties and manage them right from your dashboard.

Apart from your posting on your website, OgaCRM has integrated both and to help automate the display of your real estate and blog posts on both platforms. Success is a must.

Easily and quickly create and configure professional, personalised invoices using the auto-fill features and send them to their recipients email addresses with just a few clicks. Can you beat that?!

Contact information of prospective clients, who contact you via any of the contact forms, are automatically added to your contact list. You can also manually add and manage external contacts. Swweeeet! Right?

Get paid everytime a sponsored advert gets displayed on your website. All our users are our partners and we earn, together. Yeah, it's like that.

Get free credit in your eWallet to promote your listings, sponsor adverts and make other in-app purchases.

Trusted by 1,000+ realtors. estate professionals.